To create a new Offering in the Marketplace, you need to:
- Assure that categories are configured in the Marketplace.
- Create at least one service provider.
- Create and activate a public offering.
Waldur supports a number of different types of service providers when creating a shared offering. A common way of creating an offering is through a HomePort.
OpenStack offering creation
Select organization, which will provide the offering.
Go to Provider dashboard, click Marketplace -> Offerings from the top menu and then Add from the left.
A popup opens, fill in the name for the offering, category (e.g. Private clouds) and type (OpenStack tenant) and click Create.
An offering configuration page opens with an option to edit different attributes.
For the OpenStack integration, select Integration -> Credentials from the top menu. Fill in requested parameters.
- API URL - OpenStack deployment keystone URL
- Domain name - OpenStack domain name
- Username - Tenant user username
- Password - Tenant user password
- Tenant name - OpenStack tenant name
- External network ID - OpenStack extnet UUID
If everything is filled in, click on Synchronize in the top left corner. After few seconds, the State field will show OK if the integration is completed between Waldur and OpenStack.
To adjust the accounting, select Accounting from the top menu and then Plans -> Edit prices. Default accounting components are already defined.
If everything is completed and ready, click on Activate in the upper right corner to publish the offering.
SLURM offering creation
Select organization, which will provide the offering.
Go to Provider dashboard and click on Marketplace -> Offerings from the top menu and then click Add from the right.
A popup opens, fill in the name for the offering, category and type.
An offering configuration page opens with an option to edit different attributes.
Under Endpoints section, you can add access endpoints for the offering, for example, management consoles, SSH login nodes or similar.
This configuration will display then to resource of the offering a menu for easier navigation to the corresponding services. For SSH protocol this would trigger opening of an SSH client if configured for the browser. Out of the box works on OS X and Linux, requires configuration of the default application on Windows.
To add accounting components, select "Accounting components" from the top menu and then "Add component" from the right side. Accounting component is a measurable unit of a resource. For example, it can be CPU hours, GPU hours, storage hours, RAM etc.
A popup opens with possibility to configure fields and select the accounting type (whether the component is billed by the usage, max limit or it has a fixed price).
- Usage-based - billing is applied according to the actual usage of the resource during the billing period defined in the accounting plan after the submission of a usage report;
- Limit-based - billing is applied according to the requested/updated limits of a resource, actual usage can be below the limits and it is not the basis of the billing;
- Fixed price - billing is applied according to the exact values defined by the service provider in the accounting plan, limits and usage are not the basis for the accounting;
- One-time - billing is applied once on resource activation;
- One-time on plan switch - billing is applied once on resource activation and everytime a plan has changed, using pricing of a new plan.
To configure accounting frequency and prices, select "Accounting plans" from the top menu and then "Add plan" from the right. Select a name for the plan and accounting frequency.
To define prices for the components, select "Actions" and then "Edit prices". Set new price and save. If there is a need to provide higher priority access to resources with different prices, then it is advised to create another offering for this kind of cases.
If all set, click "Activate" on the top-right side to make it visible to everybody.
For more advanced cases of management of offerings, take a look at how a SLURM offering can be managed using Ansible module.
Offering management
It is possible to temporarily unpublish the offering. For example, if the service is down for a longer maintenance. To do that, open the offering edit page and click on Pause from the right.
If the offering is not needed anymore, then it is possible to archive it by selecting Archive from the offering edit page.
Configuring Getting Started Templates
When setting up an offering, you can configure a "Getting Started" guide that will be shown to users after they provision a resource. This guide supports dynamic variables that are automatically replaced with actual resource values.
Available Template Variables
- The name of the resource{resource_username}
- The username associated with the resource{backend_id}
- The backend identifier (e.g., SLURM account name){backend_metadata_key}
- Any metadata fields from the backend (e.g.,{backend_metadata_state}
- Any custom options set for the resource (e.g.,{options_custom_field}
Example Template
For SLURM allocations, you might want to create a comprehensive guide like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
To configure this template:
- Go to your offering's page
- Select "Edit" from the top menu
- Scroll down and find the "Getting started instructions" and click the "Edit" button
- Enter your desired template information using the variables above
- Save the changes
The template will be rendered with retreived values when users access their resources.
Service offering configuration guide
This guide provides a structured approach for integrators to define an Offering. Offerings represent services, resources, or products made available through the platform.
General information
The General Information section defines the core attributes of an offering, including its identity, accessibility, and governance policies.
Required fields
- Name – The title of the offering, displayed across the platform
- Description – A concise summary outlining the offering's purpose
- Full description – A detailed explanation, including technical aspects and potential use cases
- Terms of service – Any contractual obligations or usage restrictions
- Privacy policy link – URL linking to the privacy policy
- Terms of service link – URL linking to the terms of service
- Access URL – The main entry point for users to access the offering
- Slug – A unique identifier used in URLs (readonly)
- Location – The geographical or virtual location of the offering
- Access policies – Defines access control rules and user eligibility
- Logo – A graphical representation of the offering
- Getting started instructions – Guidelines on how users can begin using the offering
Public information
The Public Information section ensures visibility and accessibility for end users. It includes Endpoints, Categories, and Images.
Endpoints provide connectivity to the offering's services. Each endpoint requires:
- Name – A human-readable identifier for the endpoint
- URL – The direct link to access the service
Images provide visual representation and marketing appeal. Each image requires:
- Name – A descriptive title
- Description – A brief explanation of the image content
- Attached image file – The image file itself