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Credit management for organization owners

Credit management establishes credit limits for organizations that can be used for purchasing eligible services. The credit can optional be sub-allocated to projects and used in cost policies.

If credits are assigned to organizations by staff users (please see Credit management for staff), organization owners can distribute allocated credits to projects. Projects can use credits for specific resources, overused resources are invoiced according to the pricing plan. Organization owners can use credit management together with the cost and usage policies to handle overconsumption.

To see current credit management policies, open the organization dashboard and then Accounting -> Credit management from the top menu.

Customer credit policies

To create a new one, click "Add" on the right. A popup opens with configuration fields:

  1. Project - select the project, which can use the credits.
  2. Allocate credit - set the maximum amount of credits.
  3. Use organization credit after exceeding allocated amount - Enable, if project can use organization credits after running out of project credits. If disabled, resource usage will be invoiced according to the pricing plan.
  4. If all set, click "Create".

New project credit policy