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The broadcast functionality allows you to send messages to specific groups of users within Waldur. You can target messages to the following:

  • Offering users
  • Organization members
  • All users connected to your Waldur deployment

Management of broadcast messages

To manage broadcast messages, follow these steps:

  • Select Support from the left-side menu.
  • Click Broadcast in the top menu.

The Broadcast Management page shows both sent messages and drafts. From here, you can view message history and create new broadcasts.

Broadcast templates

You can create broadcast message templates, which is useful for sending certain types of messages frequently (e.g., maintenance announcements).

To create a new template:

  • Navigate to SupportBroadcast templates.
  • Click Add.

A popup will appear with the following fields:

  • Name: Name of the template
  • Subject: Subject line for the broadcast message
  • Message: Content of the message

New broadcast template

Creating new broadcast message

To create a new broadcast message:

  • Navigate to SupportBroadcast.
  • Click Add.

A popup will appear with the following fields:

  • Template: Select a predefined template (optional)
  • Subject: Subject line for the broadcast message
  • Message: Content of the message
  • Send at: Schedule a send time for the message, or leave blank to send immediately

You can then either save the message as a draft for later editing or save it as a template for future use.

If everything looks good and you would like to send it out, click Select recipients.

New broadcast

Selecting Recipients

In this step, you can define the target users for the broadcast message:

  • Specific offering(s) users
  • Specific organization(s) members
  • All users connected to your Waldur deployment

Once you're ready, click Send broadcast.

New broadcast