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OfferingUser management

OfferingUser is a model in Waldur, which represents a link between an offering available in marketplace and a user. A service provider can utilize it to create an account for a service visible for all the offering resources, for example: a user account in a SLURM cluster. As an account, an OfferingUser can have a custom username different from user's one.

This feature is available for offerings of types:

  • Basic
  • SLURM remote
  • Custom script
  • Rancher

For Basic, SLURM remote and Custom script offerings, offering-users are created automatically when a user is added to the project with active offering resources or when a new offering resource is created.

In case of Rancher, offering-users are created when users are imported from a Rancher cluster.

In case of SLURM, offering-users are created when association are imported from a SLURM cluster.

Username generation

The username field for the model can be generated via strategies:

  1. service_provider: a service provider should manually set usernames for the offering users (default strategy);
  2. anonymized: usernames are generated with <prefix>_<number>, e.g. "anonym_00001"; the prefix must be specified in the plugin options of the offering as username_anonymized_prefix;
  3. full_name: usernames are constructed using first and last name of users with numerical suffix, e.g. "john_doe_01";
  4. waldur_username: uses a username of a user;
  5. freeipa: uses the username field of a corresponding FreeIPA profile.

A service provider can choose the policy via UI:

  1. go to offering edit section in a service provider page;
  2. open Integration tab;
  3. click Edit integration options;
  4. choose a username generation policy from the drop-down list;
  5. click Save button.

After this, the usernames are regenerated for all the linked offering users.