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Locust cofiguration

This chart uses Locust tool for stress testing.


Locust runs as another standalone Helm release.

Install Locust:

  helm install locust stable/locust -f locust-values.yaml

After release installation, some instructions regarding access to WEB UI for Locust printed in stdout.See this section for more information about UI interaction.


You can change locust config with the folloving variables in locust-values.yaml:

  1. image.repository - repository of locust image
  2. image.tag - tag of locust image
  3. master.config - key-value configuration records for locust master (used as container env vars)
  4. master.config.locust-host - URL of target mastermind service. See this doc for details
  5. - same as master.config.locust-host
  6. master.config.locust-mode-master - master mode flag. Please, don't change it, because for new versions of locust this flag is mandatory for a master node.
  7. master.config.locust-locustfile - path to the injected locust file. Please, don't change file directory (/locust-tasks/), because it is fixed mountpoint for pods. The filename itself can have any value, but should be the same as key in the configmap (worker.config.configmapName).
  8. worker.config - key-value configuration records for locust worker (used as container env vars).
  9. worker.config.configmapName - name of configmap with locustfile
  10. worker.config.locust-mode-worker - worker mode flag. Please, don't change it, because for new versions of locust this flag is mandatory for a worker node.
  11. worker.config.locust-locustfile - path to the injected locust file. Same rules as for master.config.locust-locustfile.
  12. worker.config.locust-master-node-host - hostname of the locust master service, which is formatted as <locust_release_name>-master-svc
  13. worker.replicaCount - number of locust workers

You can find available variables for master and worker configuration from chart desription and official locust documentation (most of the flags and args can be injected through env vars).

NB: The original helm chart image (greenbirdit/locust:0.9.0) has outdated locust version and doesn't support most of the current env variables from the first link above. Thus is used only for compatibility and must be equal to master.config.locust-host

In the values.yaml you need to setup the following vars (stressTesting prefix):

  1. enabled - enable/disable stress testing
  2. locustFilePath - path to the locust file (should be in the waldur/ directory)