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White-labeling instructions

To setup white-labeling, you can define next variables in waldur/values.yaml file:

  • shortPageTitle - custom prefix for page title
  • modePageTitle - custom page title
  • loginLogoPath - path to custom .png image file for login page (should be in waldur/ chart directory)
  • sidebarLogoPath - path to custom .png image file for sidebar header (should be in waldur/ chart directory)
  • sidebarLogoDarkPath - path to custom .png image file for sidebar header in dark mode (should be in waldur/ chart directory)
  • poweredByLogoPath - path to custom .png image file for "powered by" part of login page (should be in waldur/ chart directory)
  • faviconPath - path to custom favicon .png image file
  • tosHtmlPath - path to custom terms of service file (tos.html)
  • privacyHtmlPath - path to custom privacy statement file (privacy.html)
  • brandColor - Hex color definition is used in HomePort landing page for login button.
  • brandLabelColor - Hex color definition is used in HomePort landing page for font color of login button.
  • heroImagePath - Relative path to image rendered at hero section of HomePort landing page.
  • heroLinkLabel - Label for link in hero section of HomePort landing page. It can be lead to support site or blog post.
  • heroLinkUrl - Link URL in hero section of HomePort landing page.
  • siteDescription - text at hero section of HomePort landing page.


  • the *Path values take place only if respectful *Url values are not specified. If both types are defined, the precedence is taken by URL(*Url) for all cases.
  • all of imported files must be within chart root directory

Alternatively, TOS and PP files content can be provided as multiline values in tosHtml and privacyHtml options respectfully. If defined, they take precedence over the aforementioned ones.