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Waldur SLURM Integration Service

Service for Mastermind integration with SLURM cluster. The main purpose of the service is data syncronization between Waldur instance and SLURM cluster. The application uses order-related information from Waldur to manage accounts in SLURM and accounting-related info from SLURM to update usage data in Waldur.


This is a stateless application, which should be deployed on a machine having access to SLURM cluster data. The service consists of two sub-applications:

  • service-pull, which fetches data from Waldur and updates a state of a SLURM cluster correspondingly (e.g. creation of SLURM accounts ordered in Waldur)
  • service-push, which sends data from SLURM cluster to Waldur (e.g. update of resource usages)

Integration with Waldur

For this, the service uses Waldur client based on Python and REST communication with Waldur backend. Service-pull application pulls orders data created for a specific offering linked to SLURM cluster and creates/updates/removes SLURM accounts based on the data. Service-push fetches data of usage, limits and associations from SLURM cluster and pushes it to Waldur.

Integration with SLURM cluster

For this, service uses uses SLURM command line utilities (e.g. sacct and sacctmgr). The access to the binaries can be either direct or using docker client. In the latter case, the service is required to have access to docker binary and to docker socket (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock).


The application supports the following environmental variables (required ones formatted with bold font):

  • WALDUR_API_URL - URL of Waldur Mastermind API (e.g. http://localhost:8081/api/).
  • WALDUR_API_TOKEN - token for access to Mastermind API.
  • WALDUR_SYNC_DIRECTION - accepts two values: push and pull. If pull, then application sends data from SLURM cluster to Waldur, vice versa if push.
  • WALDUR_OFFERING_UUID - UUID of corresponding offering in Waldur.
  • REQUESTS_VERIFY_SSL - flag for SSL verification for Waldur client, default is true.
  • SLURM_TRES_CONFIG_PATH - a path to the SLURM TRES configuration, default is ./config-components.yaml.
  • SLURM_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE - type of SLURM deployment. accepts two values: docker and native, default is docker.
  • SLURM_CUSTOMER_PREFIX - prefix used for customer's accounts, default is hpc_.
  • SLURM_PROJECT_PREFIX - prefix used for project's accounts, default is hpc_.
  • SLURM_ALLOCATION_PREFIX - prefix used for allocation's accounts, default is hpc_.
  • SLURM_ALLOCATION_NAME_MAX_LEN - maximum length of account name created by the application.
  • SLURM_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT - default account name existing in SLURM cluster for creation of new accounts. Default is waldur.
  • SLURM_CONTAINER_NAME - name of a headnode SLURM container; must be set if SLURM_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE is docker.
  • SENTRY_DSN - Data Source Name for Sentry (more info here)
  • ENABLE_USER_HOMEDIR_ACCOUNT_CREATION - whether to create home directories for users related to accounts


Test environment

In order to test the service, a user should deploy 2 separate instances of the service. The first one (called service-pull) is for fetching data from Waldur with further processing and the second one (called service-push) is for sending data from SLURM cluster to Waldur. Both instances must be configured with environment variables from e.g. .env-file.

The example of .env-file for service-pull:

WALDUR_SYNC_DIRECTION=pull # The setup for service-pull
WALDUR_API_TOKEN=9e1132b9616ebfe943ddf632ca32bbb7e1109a32 # Token of a service provider in Waldur
WALDUR_OFFERING_UUID=e21a0f0030b447deb63bedf69db6742e # UUID of SLURM offering in Waldur
SLURM_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=root # Default account for SLURM
SLURM_CONTAINER_NAME=slurmctld # Name of SLURM namenode container

The example of .env-file for service-push:

WALDUR_SYNC_DIRECTION=push # The setup for service-push
WALDUR_API_TOKEN=9e1132b9616ebfe943ddf632ca32bbb7e1109a32 # Token of a service provider in Waldur
WALDUR_OFFERING_UUID=e21a0f0030b447deb63bedf69db6742e # UUID of SLURM offering in Waldur
SLURM_CONTAINER_NAME=slurmctld # Name of SLURM namenode container

Docker-based deployment

You can find the Docker Compose configuration for testing in examples/docker-compose/ folder.

In order to test it, you need to execute following commands in your terminal app:

cd examples/docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

Systemd deployment

If your SLURM cluster doesn't run in Docker, you need to deploy the a systemd service starting using Python module. The agent requires sacct and sacctmgr to be accessible on a machine, so it should run on a headnode of the SLURM cluster. Firstly, install the waldur-slurm-agent:

pip install waldur-slurm-agent

Secondly, put systemd unit, environment and and TRES config files to the corresponding locations. Don't forget to modify Waldur-related values the env files.

# For pulling service
cp systemd-conf/service-pull/waldur-slurm-service-pull.service /etc/systemd/system/
mkdir /etc/waldur-slurm-service/
cp systemd-conf/service-pull/waldur-slurm-service-pull.env /etc/waldur-slurm-service/pull.env
cp ./config-components.yaml /etc/waldur-slurm-service/tres.yaml # you can use a different path and set SLURM_TRES_CONFIG_PATH to it

# For pushing service
cp systemd-conf/service-push/waldur-slurm-service-push.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp systemd-conf/service-push/waldur-slurm-service-push.env /etc/waldur-slurm-service/push.env

After the preparation, run the following to apply the changes.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start waldur-slurm-service-pull
systemctl enable waldur-slurm-service-pull # to start after reboot
systemctl start waldur-slurm-service-push
systemctl enable waldur-slurm-service-push # to start after reboot

TRES configuration

To setup TRES-related info, the service uses the corresponding configuration file config-components.yaml in the root directory. Each entry of the file incudes key-value-formatted data. A key is a type of TRES (with optional name if type is gres) and the value contains limit, measured unit, type of accounting and label. The service sends this data to Waldur each time when it is restarted. If a user wants to change this information, a custom config file should be mounted into a container.